



前期,澳中双方项目组成员就研究目标、预期成果、合作方式等具体内容举办了多次线上交流活动,为项目的顺利开展奠定了良好的基础。下一步,金晓斌教授团队拟于20248月—9月前往澳大利亚昆士兰大学开展项目交流和调研活动,并商讨昆士兰大学研究学者访问南京大学的相关事宜及学术研讨会的详细方案。如需了解更多信息请咨询南京大学地理与海洋科学学院金晓斌教授: jinxb@nju.edu.cn


The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI) at The University of Queensland, has received a grant from the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR) to research “Pathways to Net Zero in Australian and Chinese Agriculture”. The Grant is being provided as part of the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations 2023-24 Competitive Grants Program. UQ will work with partner, Nanjing University, on the project which aims to showcase Australian and Chinese excellence in sustainable agriculture and enhance collaborations on more nature positive grain production systems in both countries. Expected outcomes include increased understanding and collaborations between Australia and China that advances the shared interests of both nations. For further information please contact Prof. Daniel Rodriguez: d.rodriguez@uq.edu.au

供稿:罗秀丽 应苏辰

